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Get Out the Vote Gen Z Flyer
This was my first, more official, social media campaign assignment. I focused on how specifically to vote through mail in ballots, because as a first time voter and someone who never learned how to vote through this system, I was confused and wanted to share the information I learned with others in a similar position. I liked specifically how I presented the information, using more concise, easy to understand phrasing was key to making it appealing while accomplishing its goal, and I wanted to incorporate bold statements throughout the flyer to appeal to young people’s ethos about voting and our shared generational experiences.
Reflection on Anika Reed's Lecture
This assignment was a reflection on Anika Reed’s lecture that discussed the Black Lives Matter Movement, how news media is changing, and how to get started in the journalism industry. It was my first time listening to a guest lecturer, and hearing such an accomplished, experienced person talk about their opinions and unique perspective on such relevant and impactful topics was incredibly fascinating. Each topic she discussed inspired a host of questions and thoughts- a few of which I articulated in the reflection- and it reminded me that one of the most essential things I can do to gain knowledge and feel inspired/motivated is to truly listen and understand others perspectives, and to seek advice from qualified people within areas of my interest.
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